Two years ago, CUPE 4163 brought in a consultant to look at our office operations, and we are implementing his recommendations to more efficiently serve our members. As a result of CUPE 4163 modifying its service delivery model, CUPE 4163 Business Agent Chris Robinson will be moving on to another career path. In February, Chris will be taking some time off as well as working on completing unfinished issues or cases that he is working on with Human Resources.He will then be available on an as needed basis from March through to July 26 of this year.
The Executive thank Chris for his many years of invaluable service to the members of CUPE 4163, service that stretches from the inception of this local. From running T.A. orientations to working on the recently completed Component 3 bargaining, from explaining the intricacies of Continuing Status to sessionals to defending ESL teachers whose jobs were at risk, Chris has put in untold hours of heart-felt work the members of this local. We wish Chris well and will be supporting him in his career transition.
Greg Melnechuk
President, CUPE 4163