
CUPE 4163 regularly donates to causes that are compatible with Union principles or which benefit the Local or our members. These may include registered charitable organizations or “in memoriam” donations.

 The Social Justice Fund

CUPE4163 deducts $1.00 from each member’s pay in November and February of each year. The money generated from this deduction makes up the foundation of the CUPE4163 Social Justice Fund.

Half of the Social Justice Fund is distributed at the Spring AGM and the other half at the Fall SAGM . Two beneficiaries are decided upon by the members at each meeting. Members are encouraged to bring forward their ideas on what organizations should be the beneficiary of this fund.

Past Social Justice Fund Recipients

Spring 2024

Atomic Vaudeville

Fall 2023

Neighbourhood Solidarity with Unhoused Neighbours (NSUN)

Medical Aid for Palestinians (MAP)

Spring 2023

Gender Generations Project

Convergence Collective Gathering

Fall 2022

Cowichan Women Against Violence Society

The Backpack Project

Spring 2022

Friends of Ocean Academy

Fall 2021


Ma’amtagila rematration on Northeastern ‘Vancouver Island’ Project

Spring 2021

Home of Good Hope in Namibia

Greater Victoria Shakespeare Society

Fall 2020 

The Psychology Clinic in the Department of Psychology

Spring 2020

No nominees

Fall 2019

Harm Reduction Services Program at AVI Health and Community Services

PATS: Pacific Animal Therapy Society

Spring 2019

Shoestring Initiative

Home of Good Hope

Fall 2018

Support Network for Indigenous Women and Women of Color

Spring 2018

Women’s March Victoria

Fall 2017

Fish Farms Out Now!

Facebook page

Spring 2017

Divest Victoria

Facebook Page

Treasurer Zack Draper, President Greg Melnechuk, Divest Victoria’s Laurel Collins

Fall 2016

Employment Standards Legal Advocacy Project (project of of Together Against Poverty Society)

President Greg Melnechuk and the TAPS crew,( next to Greg -David Huxtable of ESLAP & Component 3)

Spring 2016

Victoria’s Retail Action Network

Retail Action Network website

President Greg Melnechuk & Comp 1 member Kaitlyn Matulewicz of Retail Action Network

Fall 2015

Family Services of Greater Victoria

Spring 2015

Victoria Sexual Assault Centre

Fall 2014

Ryan’s Well Foundation

Together Against Poverty Society

Spring 2014

No nominees

Fall 2013

Together Against Poverty Society

Spring 2013

Victoria Citizen’s Counselling Centre

Fall 2012

OurPlace Society

Spring 2012

The Calcutta Samaritans

Fall 2011

Capital Region Good Food Society

Spring 2011

LifeCycles Project Society

Past Comp 1 Executive member Dan Pollock and Treasurer Greg Melnechuk

Fall 2010

Tides Canada Foundation Tyee Fellowship Fund

Spring 2010

Boys and Girls Club of Victoria

Fall 2009

Sacred Valley Youth Fund

Spring 2009

Victoria Cool Aid Society

Fall 2008

Victoria StreetNewz

Fall 2006

Mustard Seed Food Bank

Spring 2006

Save the Children

Fall 2005

Stephen Lewis Foundation