Volunteer for an inclusion study!

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Volunteer for an inclusion study being conducted by a Component 3 member.


Dear UVic instructor,

I know how busy you are so I greatly appreciate you taking the time to read this post. I am writing to invite you to participate in my PhD research project. This email provides some information about myself and the project.
About the Researcher
My name is Natalie Frandsen. I am an Assistant Teaching Professor at UVic in the School of Public Health and Social Policy (PHSP) and am a PhD candidate at Simon Fraser University (SFU) in the Faculty of Education. I have been teaching in post-secondary for about 10 years, the majority of this in online courses and programs. My passions for mental health promotion and excellence in teaching are what inspired me to pursue doctoral training.
Research Topic and Research Team
My research is focused on online learning environments for post-secondary students who have mental health challenges. My supervisor is Dr. Kevin O’Neill, and my committee members are Dr. Sheri Fabian and Dr. Robert Williamson. Christina Van Wingerden is a PhD candidate at SFU (Faculty of Education) and a member of my research team.

Research Study
The purpose of this descriptive research project is to better understand influences on student learning for online students with mental-health-related challenges. I will be seeking input (through questionnaires and interviews) from students, UVic instructors who teach online and UVic student support staff. This study includes up to two phases:
            Phase 1: An online questionnaire which will take approximately 15 minutes to complete. There is no financial incentive for completing the questionnaire.
            Phase 2: An online (Zoom) or telephone interview that will be 60-75 minutes long. Participants will be given a $25 digital gift card a token of gratitude.
How to Participate
Participation in this study is optional and completely voluntary. You are under no obligation to participate in any part of this research, even if you know the researcher. You can participate in Phase 1 only or Phase 1 and 2.

Consent to Participate
            Phase 1: The consent form, along with full study details, is provided via a URL-link on the questionnaire. Should you want to participate in Phase 2, you will provide me with your email address at the end of the questionnaire.

            Phase 2: Interview participants will be sent a PDF version of the consent form, along with full study details, at least two weeks prior to their scheduled interview. On the day of the interview, I will obtain oral consent.


Eligibility to Participate

You are eligible to participate if you:

  • Are employed by UVic in a role that requires some teaching (all appointment classifications are eligible – e.g., sessional, teaching track, tenure track, limited-term, staff)
  • Have taught at least one online course at UVic in the previous 3 years

If you are interested in participating in Phase 1, please find the link to the questionnaire with full study details and consent form: https://www.surveymonkey.ca/r/FXWL9CS

If you have questions about the study and/or your eligibility, please email or call me at your convenience. Thank you for considering to participate in this study and please circulate this information to anyone who you think would be interested in participating. If you would like to share information about this study on your social media channels, please use this “blurb” along with the study poster: Volunteer for an inclusion study! Refrain from posting comments, liking or sharing on social media or other forums about this study to protect your anonymity. Email Natalie Frandsen (nfrandsen@uvic.ca) for details or access the 15-minute questionnaire: https://www.surveymonkey.ca/r/FXWL9CS