2024 SAGM – Staff Report

The CUPE 4163 is staffed by a Member Advocate (Melissa) and the President of the Local (Greg). This report reflects a broad overview of their combined work over the past 6 months.

Staff in the office have provided ongoing support and advocacy to members on multiple issues. Staff also perform all the administrative tasks for the local and the day to day running of the office. The following provides a summary of our advocacy work.

For the overall membership:

  1. Responding to email inquiries on wages, working conditions, workplace safety, and the collective agreements.
  2. Meeting with members to provide advice and/or support.
  3. Continued advocacy with HR representatives on behalf of members.
  4. Provided representation to members at meetings involving potential disciplinary action.
  5. Provided support and advocacy for members seeking workplace accommodations.
  6. Assisted Uvic HR in the development of Collective Agreement presentations for new HR Consultants and for all Departments. These are jointly presented by the Union and HR continuing through November 2024.
  7. Continued work on the Letters of Understanding attached to the Collective Agreements.
  8. Ongoing: representation at Labour Management Committee meetings (all components).

For Component 1:

  1. Raising issues with HR on behalf on members related to hours of work, Checklist of assigned duties, supervision concerns, assignment procedures and other potential collective agreement violations.
  2. Meeting with members and determining next steps on issues related to bullying, harassment, sexualized violence, racial discrimination, and other human rights issues.
  3. Staff sit as Co-chair on the TA Hardship Fund Committee.
  4. Received and processed applications for the Component 1 Conference Award Fund (ongoing).
  5. Stewards training and meetings.
  6. Orientations (with help from several steward and executive volunteers) for all new Component 1 members.
  7. Development and administration of the Food Security Pilot Project which distributed a total of $15,000 in Hardship Funds.
  8. Ongoing work with the Stewards Council
  9. Meetings with HR to finalize the inclusion of the Academic Income Supplement in the TA wage schedule. Change will take effect January 1, 2025.
  10. Currently working on one active Grievance related to hours of appointment

For Component 2 Second Language Instructors:

  1. Ongoing contact with HR to reach agreements on scheduling and hours for Component 2 teachers in the English Language Center.
  2. Assisted teachers with various inquiries around pay, sick time, vacation time, seniority, converting from regular to term status, retirement.

For Component 2 Cultural Assistants:

  1. Oriented members to the Collective Agreement

For Component 2 Residence Life Workers:

  1. Meetings with members around issues related to their working environment, supervision issues, safety issues, residence fees
  2. Ongoing work with Stewards
  3. Orientation of members to the Collective Agreement

For Component 3:

  1. Working with HR and members to informally resolve issues around layoffs, overpayments, leaves, direct appointments, continuing status, benefits, and various other collective agreement issues.
  2. Supported members through a batch of layoffs related to the budget cuts
  3. Negotiated an enhanced voluntary severance offer for Continuing Sessional lectures during the layoff period this year