This Friday, November 2, the Component 3 bargaining team will meet with the Employer to exchange proposals.
Component 3 ratified their bargaining proposals and elected their bargaining team on October 9. In the last round of bargaining, Component 3 accepted a rollover agreement in the midst of a “Net Zero” bargaining climate. While they face the restrictive “cooperative gains” mandate set by the government (in which any wage increases must be funded by equivalent savings elsewhere at the University), Component 3 is determined to negotiate better working conditions for their members.
The bargaining team:
Christine Wadge (Continuing Sessional, French)
Glen Tadsen
Heidi Tiedemann Darroch (Term Sessional, English)
Rueven Sussman (PhD Candidate , Psychology)
The spokesperson for the bargaining team is CUPE 4163′s business agent, Leann Dawson.