After many years of service as CUPE 4163’s Rep on the University Safety Committee, Dave McKercher, is stepping down.
Dave has been on the committee since October 2006. He has been a reliable presence at the monthly meetings, and was co-chair of the USC from February 2009 until the 917 rep took over as co-chair last year. He also was on the University’s H1N1 task group and BC ShakeOut planning committee. He has been the contact person for Incident Investigations and has been the union rep at several of these over the years, mostly for Component 2 members.
CUPE 4163 thanks Dave for his service to the Union!
This means that 4163 needs a new Rep on the Safety Committee.
Meetings are the last Tuesday of every month, from 2:30 to no later than 4 p.m.
If you are interested, contact the office [ office4163(at)gmail(dot)com ], and they will put you into touch with Dave.