4163 Budget Line Items

Budget Line Item Definitions


Advertising : occasionally have need of ads for staff recruitment, etc.


Arbitration : if a grievance cannot be settled with the Employer, it goes to arbitration, and arbitrators are very well-paid.



Bank Charges : includes both bank service charges and the cost of ordering new cheques (we go through about 400 cheques in a year)


Bargaining : anything related to bargaining; includes things like compensation for the bargaining teams; paying for working lunches during bargaining; paying for our share of a mediator; any costs for component meetings specifically related to bargaining, e.g. room rental for ratification meetings;


Bus Pass: CUPE 4163 provides a $30/month subsidy for employees’ bus passes (a negotiated benefit)



Cell Phones : we reimburse staff for CUPE 4163 use of their personal cell phones (negotiated benefit)


Communications : anything we do (flyers, pamphlets, web-based mass emails, etc) to communicate with our members or to promote our cause to the public.


Communications Campaign Cost Share : we undertake various communications campaigns , e.g. around bargaining, to fight the component 3 cuts, etc ( and often with the other CUPE locals on campus); we enter into cost shares with the National union, in which they pick up half the costs of the campaigns.


Computer:  anything computer related – e.g. new equipment, software, repairs, and services


Conferences (Personnel):  Each CUPE 4163 employee has the right to attend, at the Employer’s expense, at least two Conventions or conferences per year. (this is a negotiated benefit)


Conferences (Union Business): the cost of sending 4163 members to CUPE sponsored conferences (eg bargaining  conferences) and of sending 4163 members (or staff) to non- CUPE  conferences  e.g. Canadian Coalition of Graduate Employee Unions (CCGEU) conference or the Coalition of Contingent Academic Labor (COCAL) conference.


Contract Printing : any charges for printing new collective agreements


Conventions: the cost of sending 4163 members to the CUPE BC or CUPE National conventions.


Credit Card Fees : yearly credit fees and late payment fees


CUPE BC (Dues-Outgoing):  we are affiliated with CUPE BC and pay an affiliation per capita fee of .14% of CUPE 4163’s total wages


CUPE National (Dues-Outgoing):  we belong  to the National union and pay a monthly per capita fee of .85 % of CUPE 4163’s total wages (in return we receive bargaining, legal, communications, and educational support)



Donations : CUPE 4163 regularly receives donation requests.


Dues (Income): each 4163 member pays 2% of gross wages in dues to the Local



Education:  4163 pays for members to attend Union workshops and courses (e.g. stewarding workshops or week long bargaining courses)

EI & CPP Employer Contributions (all) : CUPE 4163’s share of payroll taxes as an employer. The “all” refers to both staff and paid executive positions.


Executive Out-of-Pocket Expenses : each executive member receives a monthly reimbursement for expenses



Health Benefits :  we cover our employees’ extend health plans and MSP payments up to $4500 each per year. (this is a negotiated benefit)


Honoraria : given to members who, through their volunteer efforts, have made significant contributions to Union operations and projects


Hospitality & Events : includes component socials, buying lunch for the Trustees’ yearly audit, and condolence cards.




Interest: interest earned on our chequing accounts and long-term deposits



Late remittance Penalties :  if monthly payroll taxes are sent in late, the government levies a fine.


Labor Relations Resources: covers a cost shared subscription to an on-line labour law reference site (shared with CUPE 917 & 951).



Membership Meetings: covers room rental, food, and door prizes for the general membership meetings, as well as the Childcare reimbursement for members who attend any 4163 meeting and have to pay “out of pocket” for childcare in order to attend.



Office Phone : we pay monthly fees to the University for telephone service


Office Supplies : includes everything from paper to pens and toner



Paid Executive Positions : the President and Secretary Treasurer are paid positions


Political Action & Outreach : covers any expenses incurred in CUPE 4163’s political activity


Postage : stamps and expresspost mailing


Professional Development :  CUPE 4163 pays up to $1,000.00 per contract year per employee towards the cost of attending  courses, conferences, seminars or workshops (negotiated benefit)



Release Time :  compensation to the University if a member needs to miss work for Union business


RRSP Matching Funds :  CUPE 4163 contributes 9% of gross wages to staff RRSPs (negotiated benefit)



Staff Wages (Gross) :  wages paid to our Business Agent and Business Manager (negotiated and in their collective agreement)


Stewards’ Council : covers food for monthly meetings of the component 1 stewards.(less frequent in the spring and summer)



UCBC:    4163 sends delegates to meetings of the Universities Coordinated Bargaining Committee, which is made up of the 10 British Columbia university CUPE locals. Meetings are scheduled every few months during bargaining years, and are usually in Vancouver.



Vancouver Island District Council (VIDC) (Dues-Outgoing): :we are affiliated with CUPE’s Vancouver Island District Council and pay an affiliation per capita fee of .o14% of CUPE 4163’s total wages


VIDC Delegate Expenses: cost of sending 4163 delegates to VIDC’s meetings in Nanaimo.


Victoria Labour Council (Dues-Outgoing): : we are affiliated with the Victoria Labour Council and pay an affiliation per capita fee of 33 cents per Full Time Equivalent



Worksafe BC Premiums (WCB) : worksafe (once known as Workers’ Compensation) premiums are based on staff wages and any per diem payments to non-staff (e.g. for attending conferences or workshops)