Committee Terms of Reference


 Approved by the membership March 25, 2021

Purpose and Duties of the Equity Action Committee

To identify equity issues and issues of discrimination in our workplace, our union and beyond.

To work with the Local Executive to confront oppressive policies, practices and behaviours within the Local and the University.

The committee will meet at least twice per Fall and Winter semesters and at least once in the Summer semester.

Reporting Structure of the Equity Action Committee

The Equity Committee is a sub-committee of the Executive. The Committee is required to report to the Executive on the work of the committee.

Composition of the Equity Action Committee

The Equity Committee is open to any 4163 member who self-identifies as being from the following marginalized or equity seeking groups: Indigenous People, LGBTQ2s, Persons with Disabilities, and Racialized workers.

The Equity Vice President committee will chair the committee and act as the liaison between the Committee and the Executive.


A member shall be chosen at the start of each meeting to record action items.


The committee will strive to reach decisions by consensus, but in the event that cannot be achieved, a vote will be held.  A 2/3 majority is required for a motion to pass.


The Committee terms of reference will be reviewed by the Committee and the Executive before the next Annual General Meeting.



Revised January 16th, 2012

The following represents the Terms of Reference for the University of Victoria, CUPE Local 4163 Finance Committee. The Terms of Reference should be reviewed once yearly and may be modified by the Finance Committee, to be approved by the Joint Executive.

Reporting Structure of the Finance Committee

The Finance Committee is a sub-committee of the Joint Executive. The Committee is required to report once to the Joint Executive on the work of the committee.

Composition of the Finance Committee

The Finance Committee will consist of up to six elected members who are Components one, two and three Presidents and Secretary-Treasurers. Should a President of a component not be available, a Vice-President shall be designated to the Finance Committee. Additionally, the CUPE 4163 “Joint Secretary-Treasurer” and one Business Agent usually attends the Finance Committee meetings. Everyone is expected to contribute to the discussion and the consensus decision making process.

Chair of the Finance Committee

The responsibility shall fall to the Joint Secretary-Treasurer or his/her designate.

Duties of the Finance Committee Chair include:

  • chairing Finance Committee meetings,
  • creating, the Finance Committee agenda,
  • schedule Financial Committee meetings
  • ensuring the Finance Committee carry out all relevant duties and procedures as outlined in the CUPE Financial Officer’s Handbook,
  • normally the chair reports the work of the Finance Committee to the Joint Executive
  • designate a member of the Finance Committee to take minutes and ensure those minutes are supplied to the CUPE4163 office

Duties of the Joint Secretary-Treasurer/Bookkeeper

The duties of the Joint Secretary-Treasurer shall be as outlined in Schedule “A”. (Note: to be developed). Pertaining to the work of the Finance Committee, these duties shall include:

  • Provide monthly reports to the JE on the state of union’s finances, any concerns or anomalies
  • Provide written reports on behalf of the Finance Committee semi-annually to the membership.

Schedule of Meetings

The Finance Committee shall meet a minimum of once per semester during the academic year, allowing exemptions for summer months should no meetings be warranted. Meetings may be scheduled more often than once per semester as needed.

Proceedings of Meetings

Except for an in-camera session, Finance Committee meetings are open to the Joint Executive. Members may be invited to speak by the chair. Meetings will be scheduled such that all members can attend in person.


The Finance Committee may approve expenditures of up to $300 without prior Joint Executive approval. The Committee is responsible for reviewing and advising the Joint Executive / General Membership regarding new expenditures of over $300. The Committee may be delegated additional authority by the Joint Executive as required. All extraordinary financial expenditure requests over $100 need to be presented in writing to the Finance Committee.

Responsibilities and Duties of the Finance Committee

Additionally the Finance Committee members are responsible for the following:

  • attending Finance Committee meetings,
  • following pertinent CUPE financial procedures as outlined by the CUPE Financial Officer’s Handbook,
  • annually reviewing financial by-laws, policies and procedures of the Union, and making recommendations for revision and updates to the Joint Executive,
  • creating a draft annual budget, based up the strategic priorities of the Union, for approval by the Joint Executive,
  • making budget amendment proposals, when necessary, to the Joint Executive,
  • providing direction for managing monies in the Union Defense Fund,
  • hearing all requests for financial expenditures except for donations, and
  • other duties as assigned by the Joint Executive.

Pre-requisite Training for Finance Committee Members

All Finance Committee members are required to read and be familiar with the contents of the CUPE Financial Officer’s Handbook. Other training may be available and assigned as available and/or required.

Decision-Making Process and Quorum

 All decision making for the Finance Committee will be accomplished using consensus decision making procedures. Should consensus not be possible, the item of business will be referred to the Joint Executive. Quorum will be set at four (4) voting members.

When a time sensitive decision is required between meetings of the Financial Committee an email canvas is acceptable at the discretion of the chair. Any such decisions will be entered into the minutes of the next meeting.


Approved November 3, 2016

Reporting Structure of the Grievance Committee

The Grievance Committee is a sub-committee of the Executive. The Committee is required to report to the Executive on the work of the committee.

Composition of the Grievance Committee

The Grievance Committee will consist of the President and the Vice-Presidents of each component. The President will call and chair committee meetings and have voice but no vote unless there is one Vice President absent, at which time the President shall have the tie breaking vote. Quorum shall be the President and at least two Vice-Presidents.

Responsibilities and Duties of the Grievance Committee

The Grievance Committee shall, in consultation with staff, in accordance with Labour Relations and other applicable laws of British Columbia make decisions related to the status of grievances when there are implications on Components or the Local. For example, if a grievance has been processed through the grievance procedure and has not been resolved, the Committee shall determine whether or not to proceed to arbitration.

Role of Staff: Due to confidentiality and timeliness, the Business Agent and/ or Business Manager will assist with the filing and coordination of grievances. This assistance includes providing relevant information to the Grievance Committee.


draft approved by the Executive, January 17, 2017

Purpose of the Mobilization Committee

To promote active engagement with the Local and educate members on the union movement

To develop and carry out campaigns related to membership engagement in all components. These campaigns may include but are not limited to collective bargaining and political action.

Reporting Structure of the Mobilization Committee

The Mobilization Committee is a sub-committee of the Executive. The Committee is required to report to the Executive on the work of the committee.

Composition of the Mobilization Committee

The Mobilization Committee is open to any 4163 member.

The committee will have at least one executive member to act as a liason between the Committee and the Executive.

A member of the executive shall call and chair the first meeting. A chairperson shall be elected at the first meeting of the committee.

A member shall be chosen at the start of the each meeting to record action items and then pass them on to staff and all committee members.

Responsibilities and Duties of the Mobilization Committee

Decisions are to be made by consensus, with the exception of decisions on spending for campaigns, which shall be voted on by the committee. Votes will be decided by a simple majority. Quorum for such votes shall be 3 people.

The budget of the finance committee shall be determined by the membership.

Expenditures of more than $100 must be approved by the finance committee.


(approved by the Executive January 8, 2012)

Reporting Structure of the Personnel Committee
The Personnel Committee (hereafter referred to as “the Committee”) is a sub-committee of the Executive and is required to report at Executive meetings on its work.

Composition of the Personnel Committee
The Committee is composed of the President and the Vice-Presidents (as per Bylaw 12 (b)).

The Committee will be chaired by the President (as per Bylaw 6.1 (a)). When negotiating collective agreements with CEP staff, the Committee Chair will also chair the Employer bargaining committee.

Authority of the Personnel Committee
The Committee has the authority to

  • discipline (but not terminate) staff in the event that staff should fail to adequately perform their duties (Bylaw 12 (b)). In such cases, Article 8 of the staff Collective Agreement will determine the process to be followed.
  • authorize temporary variations to staff hours/schedules when necessary (ref: 14.02 of the staff C.A.)
  • contract consultants to help the Committee deal with serious personnel issues and other organizational issues related to staffing as required. Expenses exceeding $500 must be approved by the Executive.
  • Negotiate terms of hiring (e.g. starting pay rate) with prospective employees.

Decision making will be by majority vote when consensus cannot be reached. Significant decisions (e.g. discipline) will be minuted.

Responsibilities and Duties of the Personnel Committee
As per CUPE 4163 Bylaw 12 and the CEP staff collective agreement, the Committee will

  • form the Hiring Committee that will hire staff .
  • be the direct supervisors of staff, with the President being responsible for day-to-day supervision (as per bylaw 6.1 (d)).
  • be responsible for conducting annual performance reviews.
  • be responsible for disciplining staff.
  • be responsible for recommending termination of staff to the Executive.
  • be responsible for forming a Bargaining Committee for the purposes of bargaining a staff Collective Agreement. The committee will consult the Treasurer regarding collective agreement costs.
  • be responsible for ensuring that staff have a safe and respectful workplace.
  • meet as needed.
  • Perform other personnel-related duties as may arise from time to time.

The Terms of Reference will be reviewed annually.