CUPE support workers at the University of Victoria have served 72-hour strike notice. After the BC Labour Relations Board released its decision regarding the essential service levels at the University (download the order: DECISION – …
A Decade of Decline – Chronic Underfunding at UVic
What’s happening to our top quality public university? How did we arrive at a financial fight for the very future of public post secondary education? See the CUPE at Uvic website for the full story.
Non-union wages seen rising 3.2% in 2013
The B.C. Liberal government somehow thinks that public sector workers, including the 3,000 CUPE members at UVic, should be thankful if they can get a wage increase that does not keep up with inflation: “It …
BC’s Universities: Top Brass Gets the Gold
Workers’ wages wait while senior execs rake in raises For the past few years, CUPE workers at UVic (and indeed throughout the entire University sector) have been told that in these tough economic times, there …
What can you do?
ITS ALMOST THAT TIME AGAIN!!! Do you want to take your experience at UVIC to the next level? Be a department representative/Steward!!! The next meeting for Steward’s council: Component 1 is Aug 31, 2012 @5pm …