The component 1 & 2 bargaining teams will be back with the mediator on June 6. A key feature of this meeting is that the Employer will be revealing the new bargaining mandate that they …
Philippine education activist at UVic
This Thursday, April 26th, France Castro, of the Alliance of Concerned Teachers will be at UVic to to discuss and take questions about the struggles of education workers in the Philippines. The Philippines is one of …
Component 1 needs members for the bargaining team!
If you are interested, contact the office [ldawson4163(at)gmail (dot) com] or Comp 1 President Alison Murray [alison.murray (at) live (dot) com] for more information.
CUPE 917 Receives Strike Mandate
UVic’s CUPE 917 members voted 93% in favour of a strike. The Local had a turnout of approximately 75% of its members, a great demonstration of support. This overwhelming result means gives their executive a …
UVic’s CUPE 917 to take Strike Vote
On April 10, 2012, the steering committee and the negotiating committee of CUPE 917, our sister Local, voted unanimously to recommend to its executive that it should undertake a vote of the general membership to …