4163 members can refuse to cross picket lines

philipcox bargaining

Essential Services discussions have been ongoing since CUPE 917 and 951 served strike notice in June.  CUPE 4163 participated in the discussions as some of the University’s proposals affect aome CUPE 4163 members.

An agreement was not reached in mediation on a new “global order” outlining the areas where CUPE and PEA members are deemed essential, we are now headed for a formal hearing with the Labour Relations Board with dates set for August 21-22 and 24.

At some time after the above noted hearing dates the Labour Relations Board of British Columbia will order the Essential Services levels.   CUPE 951 and CUPE 917 will be in a position to activate their strike votes at that time.   Strike action will likely commence with an overtime ban and localized picket activity.

It’s important to focus on why CUPE 951 and CUPE 917 have  been forced into taking strike votes and moving towards picket activity.   Some of the very important issues in dispute are:

  •  inflation protection and catch-up for years of zeros
  • improvements to job security in the face of deep cuts to jobs and services-
  • overhaul of the job evaluation plan and process (CUPE 951)
  • Appointment Triggers (CUPE 917)
  • resistance to the employer’s demands to expand the exempt staff group (CUPE 951)

CUPE 951 website has more detailed bullitins from their bargaining committee.  http://cupe951.ca/  If there is a picket line up when you arrive at work please do not cross!

CUPE 4163 has collective agreement language for all components that protects you from discipline for respecting the picket lines of other unions.  Collective Agreement Language as follows:

Article 12.01 Right to Refuse 

The University agrees that no employee will be subject to discipline or dismissal for refusing to cross a lawful picket line within the meaning of the Labour Code of British Columbia (RSBC 1996 c.244).  However, if such refusal results in the employee not being able to perform the employee’s duties, he/she may immediately be taken off the payroll until once again able to perform the normal duties of the position.

Article 12.02 Work of Emplyees on Strike or Locked Out

The University agrees that it will not request, require, or direct employees covered by the collective agreement to perform work resulting from lawful strikes or lock-outs that would normally have been carried out by those employees on strike or locked out.

In the event of a picket line we will have people available to answer any questions you might have.  Watch for updated information



