Announcement re proposal ratification meeting jan 14 2015 Component 1 members Component 1 members (Teaching Assistants, Lab Assistants and Instructors, Scientific Assistants, Computer programmers, Teaching Assistant Consultants and others) met Wednesday to put the final …
Component 1 Bargaining Proposals Ratification Meeting
Attention Comp 1 members! Come out to learn and vote on the proposals for changes to your contract in the upcoming bargaining. Wednesday, January 14, 2015 12:30-1:30 Room C118 David Strong Building
Fairness Works!
A message from the folks at the Canadian Labour Congress
Fight for $15 Campaign
The BC Federation of Labour has launched a campaign calling for an increasing B.C.’s minimum wage to $15, which, as they point out, “will put a worker above Statistics Canada’s low-income-cut-off. ” Check it out! …
2014 Municipal Election Information
November 15th is election for municipalities and school boards. While CUPE 4163 has historically refrained from endorsing candidates, there is no denying the importance of municipal elections. If members wish to support labour-friendly candidates in …