CUPE 4163 held its 2014 SAGM last Friday. Members approved a new budget for the 2014-15 fiscal year and heard a report from James Rowe of the Divest UVic campaign. Ryan’s Well Foundation and the …
Nominations for Social Justice Fund awards
The following organizations are the Social Justice Fund Nominees to be voted on at CUPE4163 SAGM October 31, 2014. As there were no Social Justice Fund nominations at the AGM, there are two SJFs to …
Snap Shot of Collective Bargaining Labour Relations Law: Most workplaces in BC are covered by BC Employment Standards Act or in the case of unionized workplaces by the BC Labour Relations Code; Most of …
Fall 2014 Social Justice Fund Nominations
All members of CUPE 4163 employed in a CUPE 4163 job in September automatically have an additional one dollar ($1.00) deducted from one (1) paycheque of that year to be used in a fund for …
Social Justice Fund Nomination deadline October 28, 2014
CUPE 4163 deducts $1.00 from each member’s pay in the month of November each year. The money generated from this makes up the foundation of CUPE4163 Social Justice Fund. The intent of this fund it …