Congratulations to Georgia Sitara, a Continuing Sessional Lecturer in the Departments of Gender Studies and History, for winning the 2017 Humanities Award for Teaching Excellence. Georgia is the first sessional to win this! Please read her kind letter …
2018 Economic Stability Dividend
The B.C. Ministry of Finance issued a news release Nov. 9 announcing an Economic Stability Dividend general wage increase of 0.40 per cent in 2018. The Economic Stability Dividend was part of the Liberal mandate from …
Executive Planning Think Tank High lights
CUPE4163 Executive Planning Think Tank Highlights: * Explore effectiveness of options for communication;eg. more frequent/short surveys to members on topical issues; * Introduce member profiles on facebook/website and enhance other social media posts; * Improve …
BC Election: Party Positions on Post-Secondary Education
We’ve gathered together the different parties’ Post-Secondary Education platforms for you to compare. Note- these are platforms – you may want to check out “Open the Doors” website for a non-partisan take. Green Party Post …
Open The Doors this Election
The Federation of Post-Secondary Educators of BC has put together a useful website devoted to education issues for the upcoming election. In addition to information about voting days and locations, it also includes articles such …