Pay Scales

Component 1
Component 2

Academic and Scientific Assistants
(e.g., Teaching Assistants & Lab Assistants)

Note: The monthly equivalent may be calculated by multiplying the hourly rate by 152.

(Junior Assistants move to post-probationary rate in 2nd term of appointment)

The above are hourly wage rates for the most current contract, which expires on August 31, 2014. These rates only apply to component one (e.g., Teaching Assistants, Lab Assistants, Lab Instructors, markers, COUS, Cultural Assistants, Academic Assistants, some Research Assistants, and others).Please note, rates of pay are based on duties, not student status. There are no “undergrad” and “grad” rates of hourly pay. If you are an undergrad and are performing the same duties as a grad student, but paid less, then please contact us as soon as possible.For most component one employees, 4% vacation pay is added to regular pay. Although the union does not condone the practice, arrangements may be made with your consent to take “time off in lieu” of vacation pay.


Regular Sessional Instructors

Regular Continuing CUPE 4163 teachers will go up a pay step on the pay scale (until the top of the scale is reached) if they teach the equivalent of two out of three 12 week (ELPI/ELAI) sessions at full time. Regular Continuing teachers who are not able to attain fulltime work due to involuntary work shortages will be put up a pay step if they teach a minimum of 900 hours in the year (Sept-Aug) as per the Term agreement. This only affects teachers whose workload is reduced due to work shortages.Term InstructorsTerm Instructors must work a minimum of 900 hours in a year to move up a step on the pay scale.In both Term and Continuing cases, a teacher on paid or unpaid sick or maternity leave will not go up a pay step for the year if they do not work the required number of hours.

Schedule 2 – Regular Sessional Employees

Substitute Teachers in Component 2

Cultural Assistant Rates – Component 2

 (Cultural Assistants move to post-probationary rate in 2nd term of appointment)

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The salary numbers noted below are monthly amounts, based on a standard 4-month course.

Schedule 2 – Hourly rates for music performance instructors